Our projects evolve out of meaningful Convergence of People, Places, Culture, Climate, Ecology & Economics
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We prefer the term, Interior Architecture over Interior Design. For us, there is a significant perceptual and intellectual chasm between Interior Design Vs Interior Architecture. Our interior projects are neither stylistic statement, nor do they follow fashionable trends. On the contrary, they are the reflection of the clients’ personalities, quirks and willingness to expand their comfort zones, overlapped with the studio’s expertise on design intelligence, human centric design, behavioural psychology, material innovation, Design Life Cycle, ecological intelligence, cost optimisation, etc.

50th Cross Road | South India

The Studio’s ability to zoom-in at Micro-level details and zoom out to Macro-level, to investigate broader design strategies make our projects uniquely poised to achieve a comprehensive Total Design. Our clients’ are collaborators in the exemplary journey with us to deliver an outstanding project. Client participation is the key in transforming and translating, Collaborative Architecture’s design intelligence to hugely satisfying portfolio of projects.

Reflected Topography | Bangalore

Inverted Topography | South India